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Household products that are useful & sustainable on multiple levels

For keeping things fresh, freezing, baking, cooking, storing, and transporting – Toppits® comes in handy day after day. But there’s more, another big issue we also care about is our impact on our environment. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to combine useful products with sustainability. This topic includes many different aspects; one of them is to prevent food waste. A third of the food produced worldwide ends up in the trash, and we think it’s high time that changed. So, under our motto – ‘SAVE FOOD’ – we aim to make food last longer with our Toppits® products. After all, more freshness means less waste! Our tips and tricks will help you properly store all your food – fridge or freezer, we’ve got you covered.

29. March 2022, 09:37 Uh


Good products require good materials. From aluminum and baking paper to plastic – our range is diverse, and it is of great importance to us to use only the best for our products. Therefore, our Toppits baking paper, for example, is made from renewable resources. But what about our plastic products? Plastics – commonly known as plastic – are indispensable in our lives. The reason for this is the unique properties of this material: It is lightweight, flexible, moldable, and especially durable. Plastic is thus a profitable invention, where, as with many other materials, its use and subsequent disposal are important. In this process, we want to take our responsibility and optimize all areas of the Toppits product life. This is based on the "Three R Principles" – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.


Reducing Less resource consumption means less strain on the environment. That's why we continuously optimize all processes – from the supply chain to production – to gradually reduce the consumption of resources. This will, of course, have no impact on product quality, which will remain as high as usual.


Reusing The ideal solution delivers products of the highest quality on one hand, and helps the environment on the other. And one of many important approaches is the expansion of our reusable range! In most cases, our products can already be used multiple times, such as cling film, freezer bags, or Zipper®. The all-purpose bags can even be cleaned in the dishwasher now. Moreover, the reusable Toppits® beeswax wraps and Silicone Lids have long been a staple in our range. You can find out here how to use these flexible and sustainable multi-talents correctly.


Recycle Being 100% circular is precisely our goal. In a so-called circular economy, no waste is created because both products and packaging can be returned to the production cycle. What 100% circular means for us specifically, you can find out here. We have already created the conditions for this, as many products, including our aluminum foil, are already 100% recyclable today. Over the next few years, we will gradually increase this percentage until only recyclable or compostable products remain. The recycling industry is tirelessly working on improvements – we support this process through memberships in associations and support of community projects. More information about recycling at Toppits® is available

We have already begun the journey toward greater sustainability and are excited about getting closer to our goal with each successive stage. Until then, our reusable products and those with a mix of recycled and renewable resources are already making a vital contribution. Because the proven Toppits® quality guarantees food freshness for a long time!

Click here for an overview of our entire product range.

Sustainable use of food

Our products already serve an important purpose: They help consumers not to waste food, but to make it last longer with the help of our products and our tips and tricks. One third of the food produced worldwide ends up in the trash. That's waste! With our products, we help to protect food and make it last longer. We give tips on how to store food properly and how to extend the shelf life of vegetables, meat, etc. Our recipes don't stop at "Bon Appetit", but always have a tip for "The best for leftovers".

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