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Household products that are useful & sustainable on multiple levels

For keeping things fresh, freezing, baking, cooking, storing, and transporting – Toppits® comes in handy day after day. But there’s more, another big issue we also care about is our impact on our environment. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to combine useful products with sustainability. This topic includes many different aspects; one of them is to prevent food waste. A third of the food produced worldwide ends up in the trash, and we think it’s high time that changed. So, under our motto – ‘SAVE FOOD’ – we aim to make food last longer with our Toppits® products. After all, more freshness means less waste! Our tips and tricks will help you properly store all your food – fridge or freezer, we’ve got you covered.

29. March 2022, 09:37 Uh


Good products need good materials. From aluminum and baking paper to plastic – we have a wide range of products and are convinced only the best is good enough for our products. So, our Toppits® baking paper is made from renewable raw materials, and our Toppits® aluminum foil is manufactured using 100% high-quality industrial recycled aluminum and additives. But what about our plastic products?

It is hard to imagine our lives without plastic. The material has some unique properties; it is light, flexible, malleable, and remarkably durable. In other words, plastic is an invention that profits us greatly, but, as with many other materials, what matters is how it is used and subsequently disposed of. We want to honor our responsibility in this process and optimize all areas of the Toppits® product life. We will do this by observing the principles of the ‘Four Rs’ – Redesign, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


Less consumption of resources means less impact on the environment. We will be optimizing every process by 2025 – from the supply chain to the production –  so that we can gradually reduce the consumption of resources. Of course, this will not impact product quality in any way. It will remain as high as usual.


The ideal solution gives us top-quality products on the one hand and helps the environment on the other. Expanding our reusable range is one of the many critical approaches to achieving this! Most of our products can already be used several times over, for example, cling film, freezer bags, and Zipper®. The all-purpose bags can even be cleaned in the dishwasher now. The reusable Toppits® beeswax wraps have long been a permanent fixture in our product range. Learn how to use these flexible and sustainable all-rounders here. We will also be welcoming the Toppits® Silicon Stretch Tops, which will complement our reusable range soon. The practical stretchable lids make keeping food and meals fresh by covering them even easier!


Become 100% circular – that’s exactly what we want to achieve by 2025. A circular economy eliminates waste because both products and packaging can be returned to the production cycle. You can find out exactly what 100% circular means for us here. In any event, we have already laid the groundwork for this because most of our Toppits® products are now recyclable. We will be gradually increasing this proportion over the next few years until, eventually, we will only have products that can be recycled or composted. The recycling industry is working tirelessly on improvements – we are contributing to this process by being members of associations and supporting community projects. Find more information on recycling with Toppits® here.

We have already begun the journey toward greater sustainability and are excited about getting closer to our goal with each successive stage. Until then, our reusable products and those with a mix of recycled and renewable resources are already making a vital contribution. Because the proven Toppits® quality guarantees food freshness for a long time!

Click here for an overview of our entire product range.

Nachhaltiger Umgang mit Lebensmitteln

Unsere Produkte erfüllen bereits heute einen wichtigen Zweck: Sie unterstützen Konsumenten, keine Lebensmittel zu verschwenden, sondern diese mit Hilfe unserer Produkte und unserer Tipps und Tricks länger haltbar zu machen.

Ein Drittel der weltweit produzierten Lebensmittel landet im Müll. Das ist Verschwendung! Mit unseren Produkten helfen wir, Lebensmittel zu schützen und länger haltbar zu machen. Wir geben Tipps, wie Lebensmittel richtig aufbewahrt werden und wie die Haltbarkeit von Gemüse, Fleisch und Co. verlängert werden kann. Unsere Rezepte machen beim „Guten Appetit“ nicht Schluss, sondern haben immer auch einen Tipp für „Das Beste für Reste“.

Unsere kostenlose Foodsaver App sorgt dafür, dass nichts mehr im Gefrierfach oder in der -truhe vergessen wird. Unsere Gefrierbeutel und SafeLoc® Beutel machen die Handhabung mit ihren vorgedruckten Frische-Codes besonders einfach. Mehr dazu.

Wir fördern und unterstützen die Initiative „Wirf mich nicht weg“ – ein Projekt des Umweltzentrums Hollen. Die Initiative besucht bundesweit Grundschulen und nutzt handlungsorientierte Materialien, um spielerisch über das Thema Lebensmittelverschwendung zu informieren. So lernen schon die Kleinsten: Lebensmittel sind wertvoll und gehören nicht in den Mülleimer. Mehr dazu.

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How to keep your snacks handy with Toppits® Zipper® all-purpose bags.

How to make perfect portions of your favourite sauce with an ice cube bag.

How to get your flowers through the winter safely with Toppits® SafeLoc® freezer bags.