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Flower Power for an Easter breakfast

How to beautifully decorate your Easter table with muffin cases.

Spring at last! And Easter is the perfect occasion to celebrate this colourful season. Decorated eggs are a must on every Easter table. But is there still a colourful detail missing from your Easter decorations here and there? Maybe even some flower power?

09. March 2018, 11:49 Uh

What you need:
• Toppits® Flower Mini Muffin cases
• Egg cups
• Colourful decorated eggs

And this is how to do it:
Our Flower Mini Muffin cases are perfect for a few spring-like splashes of colour on the breakfast table. Simply put the cases into the egg cups and build a beautiful, colourful nest for your Easter eggs. Ready! A real eye-catcher for your festive breakfast table.

Frühlingshafte Farbtupfer auf dem Frühstückstisch mit Hilfe von Flower Mini Muffins
Frühlingshafte Farbtupfer auf dem Frühstückstisch mit Hilfe von Flower Mini Muffins

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